The Pastoral Care and Counseling Department of Village Church provides support, counsel, and prayer for this community of faith. Life brings with it burdens of grief and change, hurt and challenge. As people of faith, we are called to share one another’s burdens and celebrate each other’s joys. Dedicated volunteers play a significant role in Pastoral Care & Counseling ministries. To volunteer in any of the areas listed below, contact our volunteer coordinator.
Serve on the Pastoral Care Committee
Pastoral Care & Counseling committee members participate and partner with the pastors to oversee, maintain and propose new ways to provide care for our members and the community. |
Deliver Flowers
Help deliver flowers to hospitalized and homebound members after Sunday worship. Arrange and deliver flowers to hospice patients on Mondays. There are also annual opportunities to deliver poinsettias at Advent and lilies at Easter. |
Lend a Helping Hand
Helping Hands volunteers assist with basic household tasks, yard work or provide meals to church members who may need help, such as the elderly, infirm, housebound, or those caring for new babies or aging relatives. All tasks are short-term; simply sign up for any that fit your schedule. |
Volunteer in the Memorial Garden
Volunteers share their time and energy to keep the Memorial Garden at Village Church a beautiful and peaceful place. Tasks include light weeding, checking that floral arrangements are fresh, and maintaining garden policies. |
Help at Memorial Services
Become a member of the Memorial Guild. Ushers will greet guests attending a memorial service, and Memorial Reception volunteers host a reception following a memorial service. More information about memorial services here. |
Be a Listening Ear
Stephen Ministry volunteers provide one-on-one, confidential care to those in the midst of challenging life circumstances. 50 hours of required training is provided for Stephen Ministry certification. Learn more about Stephen Ministry. |
Contact Us
Pastoral Care & Counseling