Cross-Lines KitchenCross-Lines Community Outreach provides people affected by poverty with basic services and opportunities that encourage self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Cross-Lines distributes approximately one million pounds of food each year through breakfasts and lunches served at their community annex and brown bag program, a food pantry, free bilingual nutrition and cooking classes and a community garden.
Every other month on the second Friday, Village Church serves a meal to 150-250 people at the Cross-Lines Kitchen. We need three to four volunteers to cook in the morning, 10-11 a.m., and three to four additional volunteers to help serve, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Besides the volunteer cooks and servers, we also need folks to provide three to four dozen cookies. These are to be dropped off at the reception desk by 4:30 p.m. on the Thursday before Village Friday meal service. Sign up to volunteer, and contact Jim Bolton with questions. |