Over the generations there have been seemingly endless volumes written to describe the Christian life. What does it mean to trust a life to Christ? What does such a life look like? More importantly, how do we describe the community that seeks to follow Christ? It’s a complicated question and there is no simple answer, but Paul boils it down to three words: faith, hope and love. However we describe Christianity, the DNA of the church is faith, hope and love. Rev. Tom Are preaches this sermon series.
Nov. 7 |
The Work Generated by Faith |
Nov. 14 |
The Labor That Grows Out of Love |
Nov. 21 |
Steadfast Endurance Empowered by Hope |
Steadfast Endurance Empowered by Hope
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 21, 2021
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 21, 2021
Faith is work. Love is a labor. Hope is steadfast. Paul describes Christian DNA just this way because faith is more than what we think and love is more than what we feel, as both show up in the choices we make as to how we will live. Hope lives in the Christian in the same fashion. Hope is not just a conviction, but a practice. Our scripture reading is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5.
The Labor that Grows Out of Love
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 14, 2021
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 14, 2021
Love. It’s what makes life human. We are defined by who we love and who loves us. The apostle Paul describes love, and interestingly enough, he does not speak of love as something that we feel. Love is something that we do. Our scripture reading is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5.
The Work Generated by Faith
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 7, 2021
Rev. Tom Are - Nov. 7, 2021
The earliest writing in the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians. The first words of Christian faith we have in the New Testament are found in this letter. The letter begins with the basics: Paul gives thanks for the church’s faith, love and hope. But already, at the very beginning, it is clear the basics are a lot of work! Our scripture reading is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5.